ProKlim Socialization in Talang Paruh Village

ProKlim (Program Kampung Iklim), Formation of Working Groups, Waste Bank Management, and Strengthening Legal Aspects for Customary Forest Protection
The Climate Village Program, known as ProKlim (Program Kampung Iklim), is a national initiative to encourage community involvement in climate change adaptation and mitigation. In Talang Paruh Village, this program included the socialization of ProKlim, discussions on forming ProKlim working groups, waste bank management committees, and strengthening legal aspects to protect the village's customary forest.
The event was officially opened by Dr. Agus, General Manager of the Merangin Jambi Geopark, who also served as the keynote speaker. “Talang Paruh Village has been chosen for ProKlim and as an example of best practices in waste bank management. This initiative is expected to provide community-based waste management solutions and strengthen the legal framework for protecting the village’s customary forest, ensuring sustainable environmental management,” said Dr. Agus.
Following this, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held, dividing participants into three groups to identify local environmental issues and propose innovative solutions. The results of the discussions formed the basis for establishing ProKlim working groups, waste bank management committees, and strategies to strengthen the legal protection of the village’s customary forest.
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