ProKlim Socialization in Air Batu Village


The socialization of the ProKlim (Climate Village Program) in Air Batu Village today marked the closing of the 2024 series of activities. The event was held at the Air Batu Village Hall and was attended by the Village Head of Air Batu, Mr. Sayudin, along with village officials. A total of 26 residents participated actively in this event.

The event began with a presentation by the General Manager of Merangin Geopark, Mr. Agus, who explained the importance of ProKlim in the context of environmental management within the Merangin Geopark area. He emphasized how ProKlim could be a strategic step in maintaining ecosystem sustainability while improving the welfare of the village community.

The second session was led by Mr. Slamet Riyadi from PT. SAL, who presented on community-based waste management. He shared concrete examples of waste management practices that could be implemented in Air Batu Village, ranging from waste sorting, composting, to waste bank management.

The Village Head of Air Batu, Mr. Sayudin, expressed his appreciation to the speakers and participants who actively engaged in the event. He hoped that the ProKlim program would soon be implemented in the village, involving all community members.

The event concluded with an interactive discussion, where participants were given the opportunity to share ideas and ask questions regarding ProKlim and waste management. This socialization session serves as an important first step in creating a village that is more environmentally conscious and resilient in facing climate change.

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