ProKlim (Program Kampung Iklim) and Waste Bank Socialization in Tiangko Village


The ProKlim (Program Kampung Iklim or Climate Village Program) socialization event was held to educate the residents of Tiangko Village about the importance of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. The event, held at the Tiangko Village Office in Sungai Manau District, a Karst Area within the Merangin Jambi Geopark, saw enthusiastic participation from community leaders, youth, and homemakers.

Representatives from the planning division of the Merangin Jambi Geopark Management Agency, Mrs. Misnawati, and Mr. Slamet Riyadi from PT Sari Aditya Loka (SAL), facilitated discussions on community-based waste management through the establishment of a waste bank system.

The ProKlim initiative aimed to encourage concrete actions among residents to mitigate climate change impacts, such as preserving the environment and adapting to climate risks. The event continued with a Waste Bank Training session to empower residents to turn waste into a valuable resource. Topics covered included waste sorting, collection processes, and proper administrative management.

The event concluded with a collective commitment from the community to support ProKlim and promote sustainable waste management practices in Tiangko Village.

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