Rumah Kreativ Merangin Supports Merangin Jambi Geopark Towards UGGp

Rumah Kreativ Merangin, or what we called as RuKaM; even some people call it RKM, was founded exactly 15 years ago in April 2006 and was legalized by a Notary in 2009 in the old town of Bangko, Merangin Regency, Jambi Province. A simple art studio has located at P. Tumenggung street RT.002 RW.001, Sei Mas Ilir, Bangko, Merangin Regency. There was nothing highlighted. The building was boarded and tin-roofed, the house left by the parents. It's just to indicate that the Small hoUSE is an art studio, so some paintings of the studio children are displayed and written on a banner: RUMAH KREATIV MERANGIN.
During ups and down, Mr. Alhendra Dy et all who is familiarly called Ucok, built it. Of course, he has gone through many obstacles. Ucok struggled to pioneer and establish it from one or two students; until now, more than five hundred children have been practicing in this studio. However, all the obstacles he faced did not necessarily dampen his good intentions to advance the generation intention who want to learn and practice art. Begin with fine arts, pantomime, poetry creation, reading Poetry, and crafts. Now, the Rumah Kreativ Merangin art studio still exists. The built child starts from early childhood, kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and general to adults. Start from normal children to children with special needs (ABK).
Many studio members have gone to higher education to study fine arts, while others still exist in the arts. In the moment of competition, both at the regional and provincial levels, these RuKaM fostered members often become ambassadors and Provincial delegates to the national level; even in the arena of national competitions, they can make achievements as champions. The existence of an art studio, presented in the Merangin Jambi Geopark Evaluation to UNESCO. "Ucok" greeting from Alhendra Dy, the founder of this art studio and also a member of the Merangin Jambi Geopark Management Body, who always participates in creative at the locus point of the Merangin Jambi Geopark assessment by displaying paintings from his art studio as a form of support for the Merangin Jambi Geopark.
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