Djangkat Coffee of Sungai Tenang

D'jangkat Coffee of Sungai Tenang is a coffee produced by the Women Farmers Grou p(KWT) in Talang Tembago Village, East Jangkat Sub-district in the Mount Masurai Complex of Merangin Jambi Geopark. This Women Farmers Group in producing coffee got the assistance of the Lembaga Tiga Beradik. The built process in 2016 for the cultivation improvement of the coffee plantation, and then the harvest production and post-harvest using fertilization, pruning, frequent harvesting (picking red), and sanitation methods.
After going through a long process of cultivation improvement and production in 2018, the coffee farmers' products with the D'jangkat Sungai Tenang brand ventured to launch fine robusta products by participating in the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) event in Bali, precisely in Sanur Bali on 19 until 21 October 2018. The result is Robusta D'Jangkat of Sungai Tenang won the Best Indonesian Robusta Coffee Award.
Then, in 2019 Fine Robusta D'Jangkat of Sungai Tenang was still awarded the best coffee in Indonesia at the same event in Bandung, West Java, on Saturday (2/11/2019). Until now, the fine robusta product of D'Jangkat of Sungai Tenang, produced by an environmentally friendly community from approximately six villages in the Jangkat and East Jangkat Sub-districts under Koperasi Cahaya Puncak Merangin.
D'Jangkat Coffee products of Sungai Tenang, as one of the superior products of the Merangin Regency, especially in Jangkat and East Jangkat Sub-districts. This coffee has a unique taste because planted on volcanic eruption material, expected to become the mainstay product that exists in the landscape of Mount Masurai of Merangin Jambi Geopark, at an altitude of 1200 masl.
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