Mitigation training is one of the evaluator\'s recommendations

Mr. Andi Wijaya, SP., M.Si, as the Coordinator of the Merangin Jambi UNESCO Global Geopark (MJUGGp) in the Division of Cooperation, Promotion, and Publication (MJUGGp), became a speaker at a disaster prevention and mitigation training organized by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Air Batu Village, Renah Pembarap Sub-district, Merangin Regency.
The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Training was opened by the Head of Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Division, Mr. Ahmanizar, ST., and attended by the representatives of the Tourism and Sports Office of Merangin Regency, the Secretary of Renah Pembarap Sub-District, the Babinsa officers of Air Batu Village and the College of Health Sciences of Merangin.
Mitigation training is one of the evaluator's recommendations related to biodiversity training and education activities, interactions between the natural environment and humans, also natural hazard mitigation.
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