Management Agency

The geopark management organization is a legal organization and doesn't contradict legislation. Geopark must have a management plan that considers social needs and public economics, protection of landscapes, and preservation of local culture. The management plans must be prepared comprehensively, including some aspects such as governance, development, communication, protection, infrastructure, finance, and partnership. The management plan is arranged by involving all stakeholders and mutually agreed.


“The Realization of the Merangin Geopark area in Global Competitiveness”

The Merangin Geopark has three base functions, such as conservation function, the educational function, and the economic development function as the primary basis to develop the Merangin Jambi Geopark. This vision supports the potential and conditions that exist and live in the Merangin Jambi Geopark area, Besides the existence of fossil outcrops, types of rock, original landscapes, rain forests, rivers, endangered flora and fauna, indigenous peoples are still strong. This is a conservation area at the world level (Kerinci Seblat National Park/TNKS), this area is known as a research center and source of knowledge at the global level, and the growth of tourism activity is dominated by geotourism. Then, this principle uses as the basis for future development of the Merangin Jambi Geopark area in all aspects and dimensions.




  1. The Conservation of Geology, Flora Fauna and Culture

  2. Integrating between Conservation of Nature and Culture

  3. The Disaster Mitigation in Geopark Sustainability

  4. The Utilization of Sustainable Resources (without damaging)



  1. Developing the Earth Science

  2. Make the Geopark as Earth Laboratories



  1. Community Empowerment

  2. The Indigenous Forest Empowerment, Creative Sosio-Economic Forestry, Geotourism   and Creative Economy

  3. Geoproduct in Geotourism

  4. The Innovation of tourism products in  double impact directly and indirectly



  1. Fixing and improving the conservation activity

  2. Improving the development of the Merangin Jambi Geopark in paleobotany-based

  3. Make the Merangin Jambi Geopark being a research center and education in global-scale Enhancement the value of local product selling

  4. Increasing the Institutional Governance of Geopark in International Standard


The Merangin Jambi Geopark Management Agency

The Merangin Jambi Geopark Management Agency Organization, as follows :