Revive the Community : Biduk Gedang Bselang Angkut Padi Festival is a Success

(Merangin) - The Biduk Gedang Bselang Angkut Padi Festival, part of the Kenduri Swarnabhumi 2024 series, was held on Saturday, July 27, 2024, at Gelanggang Bantaian Adat in Dusun Baru Village and Rumah Tuo in Kampung Baruh Village, Tabir District, Merangin, Jambi.
This event is expected to have a positive impact on the social and economic conditions of the surrounding community. This was conveyed by Syukron, the festival's chairman, who is also the leader of an art studio involved in the local arts community.
The event began in the morning with a "Geopark Excercise" joined by local government officials, representatives from various organizations, and elementary school students from the area. After the exercise, fish seedlings were released into the Tabir River, which is located right next to the field. This was followed by the opening of an SME exhibition booth for the entire Tabir District.
"Pic:morning exercise together"
The Highlight of Swarnabhumi took place in evening with a festive atmosphere. Jambi Governor Al Haris attended the opening of the Biduk Gedang Bselang Angkut Padi Festival, which began with a dinner at the Rumah Tuo Rantau Panjang complex.
The Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikburistek), who acted as the Director of Film, Music, and Media, also attended the Biduk Gedang Festival. Additionally, Hesnidar Haris, Chair of the Jambi Province TP PKK, Acting Regent of Merangin, Acting Regent of Sarolangun, Jambi City Secretary, Chairman of the Merangin Regency DPRD, and echelon II officials from the Jambi Provincial and Merangin Regency governments were also present that evening.
Governor Al Haris expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikburistek) for organizing the Swarnabhumi event in Jambi.
“Kenduri Swarnabhumi has greatly highlighted our Jambi customs and culture, contributing to the preservation of Jambi’s natural environment and culture, and all regions have hosted this Kenduri Swarnabhumi. Hopefully, this will continue to be developed every year,” said Al Haris.
"Pic: Mass Dance of 'Bhose Carrying Rice' (id: Bselang Angkut Padi)"
“We also thank Kemendikburistek, especially the cultural sector, which has provided a lot of assistance to Jambi over the past three years, nearly Rp 1 trillion, mostly for the restoration of the Muaro Jambi temple. Thank you very much, and this Kenduri Swarnabhumi has indeed raised a lot of cultural awareness, and as a result, our children and grandchildren know their culture,” he added.
Governor Al Haris also expressed his appreciation to the people of Tabir for preserving ancestral traditions so that they are still remembered and practiced today.
“Thank you to the people of Tabir who have preserved our customs and culture, such as silek payudon, membantai, and the kebaya tekuluk outfit, which remain intact today. Hopefully, we all maintain our culture, so it becomes a legacy for our children and grandchildren,” said Governor Al Haris.
Meanwhile, in a separate statement, GM of the Management Agency (BP-MJUGGp) Dr. Agus expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation for the Swarnabhumi event. Dr. Agus stated that this aligns with the key points of the three main pillars of Geoparks, namely, Conservation, Education, and Community Economic Empowerment, as well as strengthening Sustainable Environmental Development.
“As the next generation, we have an obligation to preserve, maintain, and pass on cultural heritage as our wealth and asset. For example, the Rumah Tuo Village area is part of the cultural diversity within the Merangin Jambi Geopark area. The goal of this event is to preserve traditions, culture, and nature conservation,” explained the GM via a short message during his activities at Jambi University. (team)
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